If you've ever been to Cafe
Gratitude, you know that they ask a question of the day when they take your
order. It's meant to open up the table to positive discussion and offer some clean
food for thought. Last week, when I stopped in for a tea and a warm environment
for some evening reading, I was posed with the question of the day. But because
I was alone and my server was quite busy, I was left to have a dialog with
myself about it.
are you learning?"
The question was short and
simple, but also felt loaded. The ever-student, always-improving spirit in me
reared at the question, so eager to pour out all of the learnings I had been
collecting over the past few weeks. I think I have may have given myself a
shock of sensory overload at the thought of untangling the answer!
I realize now, a week
later, that the clearest learning was in the reaction to the question itself. I
am always eager to share. It does not take much to warm me to the point of
opening up with others (hence this blog and its name). But I realized that I
can be overly open to others, and that I could benefit from being more
selective with whom and when I share my energy.
I am learning that I
harness a lot of a love, light, and power. We ALL do - it's just a matter of
discovering the tools to plug into them. I have a magnetic quality about me.
And people can see and feel it. Others want to feel embraced by the enthusiasm
and love they feel radiating from me. And I am happy to give, and I do so
often. It's an integral part of what makes me feel happy and connected to my
human experience. But a few gems of wisdom related to this willingness to give
and open have made themselves known to me, and I think they will speak to you
1. I may choose to share my energy and my story, but I
must not give away my power. Given the alluring quality of an open spirit, one must actively
decide whom to allow into one's sphere. It's not something I am required or
obligated to share with everyone, despite how much my overly-giving spirit may
feel this way. And given how easy it is for me to open up, I must continuously
and clearly establish boundaries. Otherwise, I risk springing a leak in my tank
or compromising my natural defense mechanisms, at which point I will quickly
deplete and open myself to harm. What I mean is that when we are overly giving
of our time, wisdom, and spirit - particularly to the wrong kinds of activities
and people - we will wilt and be less able to 1) tap into our inner magic and
2) protect ourselves from negative energies. I have already experienced what
this feels like, and I see how I suffer when I don't have enough energy to give
myself and the people that do matter.
Can you get honest with yourself about where you are leaking? What arenas or people in your life are you surrendering your power, your time, and your life force to? Where are you happy to share, and what areas could you reel back in your spirit to nourish the more important parts of your life? And, to be clear, the areas that are most important are the people and things that bring you JOY. If you don't have enough time or energy to invest in the humans, hobbies, and experiences that bring you joy, you're due for some reallocating of life force resources. Because if not to feel joy, why are we here?
Can you get honest with yourself about where you are leaking? What arenas or people in your life are you surrendering your power, your time, and your life force to? Where are you happy to share, and what areas could you reel back in your spirit to nourish the more important parts of your life? And, to be clear, the areas that are most important are the people and things that bring you JOY. If you don't have enough time or energy to invest in the humans, hobbies, and experiences that bring you joy, you're due for some reallocating of life force resources. Because if not to feel joy, why are we here?
So - to recap - when I am more
conscious in delegating my energy and sharing, I have more left to invest in
myself and the things that bring me joy. But equally as important is the reality that in this grounded state, I am
more privy to outside inputs. It's easy to see what is clean, divine
energy, and what is negative, untrue energy when you are practicing
conscious awareness of how you show up and open up in the world. I'm noticing
that by tempering my need to share so wildly and freely, I am more
available to TAKE IN new information, learn others' stories, and hear whispers
from the Universe. I see that my willingness to share often prevents me from hearing others and noticing things outside of my own story
and journey. When I choose to sit in the silence or in the presence of
others sharing, it is then, and only then, that I can LISTEN.
2. I can actively choose to not share so immediately
(or at all), and to instead sit comfortably on the receiving end. Just as there
is power and beauty in giving, there is a reciprocal amount in receiving and
enjoying that of others. How so? I think people over-share for two reasons:
either 1) to validate themselves (asking for love) or 2) to try to make the
recipient feel comfortable enough to open up in return (an attempt to give
love). Unfortunately, the latter, more noble intention usually achieves the
opposite of the desired result. When someone blasts you with THEIR experiences
and THEIR opinions and THEIR stories, do you feel encouraged to share, or
overwhelmed and inferior? I'm finding that genuinely holding space for people,
listening without interruption, and giving them the time they need slowly
unfurl is the best way to form that desired, deeper relationship. (If you are
more prone the the first reason for over-sharing, you must get clear on the reality
that NO ONE can validate you, and that you hold the power to love and accept
yourself in every single minute.) The organic give and take of conversation and
connection facilitates our feeling comfortable with each other and helps to
prevent misunderstanding and projecting. Can you practice listening - really
hearing someone - without interjection? Yes, you may have had a similar
experience and what they are sharing may land with you in a significant way.
But wait for the appropriate time to share in return. Let someone else have the
floor, and see what wisdom you can glean from them. Whether to empathize
with someone else, to gain a new insight, or simply to quiet our own need to
share, listening is often where the most potent learnings
This week, I encourage us
to practice listening more. Even if you tend to not share verbally, but have an
internal conversation with yourself as you observe people and the world -- see
if you can actively listen instead of judge or react.
Our opinions and ideas are not made invalid by waiting for the right time and
the right outlet through which to share them. For myself, I want people in my
life and the Universe to have a clear channel through which to share and
illuminate learnings for myself. And I recognize that I won't be able to
receive them if I'm always outputting.
* * *
Since I've listened to this song probably 87 times in the past couple of days, I thought I should share the speaker love with all of you.
Bros by Wolf Alice